Reminder: As of 1st July, 20km+ Swims: Medical Required
Key points to be aware of:
- It is strongly recommended that the medical assessment is completed by a physician (preferably a sports physician with cold-water/long-distance endurance sport experience). Alternatively (and based on the availability of specialist physicians), the swimmer’s personal physician or a GP can complete the assessment.
- The medical will still apply for swims longer than 20km, regardless of the expected time in the water, water temperature or swim route.
- A resting 12-lead ECG is required. This is not required by all international marathon swimming associations, but the CLDSA Medical Officer feels that this is prudent and in the interest of the swimmer’s safety. A 12-lead resting ECG can be done by a physician or many GPs.
- If you are planning a swim longer than 20km, the CLDSA recommends that you should have your medical completed in advance, as it will be valid for a full 12 months and can be used for multiple swims during the year.
- Completing the medical in advance will avoid any last-minute rush to have the assessment once your swim window is confirmed.
- If you are planning a marathon swim under a different swimming association rules which require a medical, we suggest that you have any additional medical forms completed at the same time as your CLDSA medical to save on admin and cost (the doctor should be able to complete one medical in order to sign forms for multiple swim associations, e.g. both CLDSA and CSA forms for English Channel swims, or even ISA medicals for ice swimming, at no extra cost).
- You will be required to submit your completed medical form (at least one week prior to your proposed swim date) to the CLDSA Medical Officer via a specific mailbox ( Your information will be saved securely and will be reviewed only by the CLDSA Medical Officer.
- The requirement for the swim medical will come into place from 1 July 2023, for the new swim season.
Any further queries can be directed to
The CLDSA Medical Requirement Form (see pdf link below and on the CLDSA website here).
We wish safe and enjoyable training to members and prospective members who are training for or planning marathon swims. We look forward to following your swim attempts.
Yours in swimming,